London Street Photography Metro Competition + Join Group
January 13th, 2011
Group Since
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Charity photography exhibition for Autistic Children
FotoSplash in association with “Bangladesh Navy Ashar Alo School & Rehabilitatio...
Hemonto32 months ago0 replies
Street Photography Workshop in Brighton - May 21st
Eric Kim.46 months ago0 replies
2.40am Pls read E edition of Metro on page 35 of e-edition.metro.co.uk/2011/0...
frequentideas48 months ago8 replies
are the winners announced on flickr only or at the museum also?
hi, does anyone know when the winners are announced on the 4th of march, if they...
Glenn 0748 months ago1 replies
New website for people who shoot film and was wondering what you guys think? ...
Jamie Rothwell49 months ago2 replies
People still submitting photos.
Although the deadline for submissions to the competition has passed, the option ...
Matt Rosemier49 months ago4 replies
Can I post photo from other places?
Hi, I wonder If the photo have to be taken in London? Could it be any where els...
Jenggaphoto49 months ago5 replies
How do we find out about the winning photos? Thank you!
FredLopez49 months ago1 replies
Hi, are we allowed to submit more than one image? Thanks :)
Zozu949 months ago15 replies
Hi, You say: 5) Please ensure that we can contact you through your Flickr ac...
mctiziana49 months ago0 replies
when you say (in rule 2) "Images must be 300dpi JPGs and maximum of 2000 pixels ...
chirgy49 months ago7 replies
Where are the rules of this competition please?
Where are the rules of this competition please?
rob.boler49 months ago1 replies
Do I need to do anything other than have "Notification emails" switched on to en...
HitTheRoof49 months ago0 replies
Hi, Before I submit my photos I would like to know the terms and conditions b...
El Beefcake49 months ago6 replies
Hi...is there a time -frame during which the photo should have been taken? Than...
stevedexteruk49 months ago2 replies
How long does it take for posts to appear? I joined the group yesterday and upl...
ingrid newton50 months ago1 replies
The box option for 6 photos on the upload screen, blocks the box i need to press...
herodmchugh50 months ago6 replies