
Kickstarter – NOW!

New55 FILM’s Kickstarter page is live and it’s here

If you would like to help, you can help a great deal by placing the “New55 FILM Kickstarter widget” (code below) on a prominent place on your website, blog, social media space, retail site or magazine home page using the above link behind the image.

If you have any questions, please check the New55 FILM Working Group list (Europe, Asia/Oceania, Americas) for a leader in your language; or contact Sam Hiser (sam DOT hiser AT or skype: swhiser).

Use this code (modify to taste):

<iframe frameborder=”0″ height=”380″ scrolling=”no” src=”” width=”220″></iframe>

15 Comments on “Kickstarter – NOW!

  1. I would like to help promote New55Project by placing your kickstarter banner on my page.
    What is the link?



  2. The target price of six to twelve dollars a sheet seems awful high to me. I must admit though at 61 I often suffer from sticker shock!

    • Even $6 a sheet is expensive Mike; this reflects that scale economies in analog are a thing of the past. We believe there is a price at a quality, but we need to find that inflection point by trying.

  3. Pingback: New55 Film: Kickstarter Coming Soon

  4. I agree that $6 is a tad spendy. Maybe if well promoted, we can get some of the old Type 55 users back in the fold along with the new analog crowd. I’d love to promote this in Western Canada

  5. Can you export the new55 film to Europe? I asked you a year ago and your reply was:
    ‘Unfortunately, the reason we can’t ship is because the chemicals in the pods are not legal to ship overseas. And As far as I know there are a few metal dyes in the formula that are banned in UK and EU.’

    • Colin – The possibilities are always evolving and vary based on source of materials and approach to distribution.

  6. Have added a banner link and a post about the New55 kickstarter campaign on the Large Format Photography Australia Blog! Very exciting news and please feel free to update me with any news about progress on the campaign. We’re reaching up to 2000 readers a week – small by Google standards but it’s a niche market (Australian large format photographers within a niche market (large format photographers) but I think we’re targeting most of them :)



  7. Guys, I agree that 6$ a shot is very high price for the film & I no matter how much would love to use it will be able to buy max box a month (excluding the fact of shipping abroad to where I live now).

    On top of that I think products desperately needs new, well done visual identity with proper naming system. As you have it now is really not up to the standards… If you need help on this – don’t hesitate to contact me since I believe I can help with my team.

    Further – whom to get in touch with when it comes to help in promotion on other continents & discussion on larger scale imports / exports (once product is hopefully up & running) in order to help make it work and sell.

    Keep on with great work guys!

  8. Pingback: Here We Go: New55′s Kickstarter Campaign | Polaroidland

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