50 masters 130 photographs – Chris Beetles Fine Photographs Gallery

2 – 26 November 2011

Chris Beetles Fine Photographs

3-5 Swallow Street, London, W1B 4DE

gallery@chrisbeetles.com 020 7434 4319

Admission: FREE

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Chris Beetles Fine Photographs
Chris Beetles Fine Photographs
3-5 Swallow Street, London, W1B 4DE
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‘The Photographers 2011’ brings together an unmatchable collection of 130 photographs by 50 masterful photographers, showing a range of work from inspirational photographers such as Thurston Hopkins, Norman Parkinson, Irving Penn, Robert Capa, David Bailey, Giorgio Sommer, Andre Kertesz, Herny Wolf, Elliot Erwitt, Berenice Abbott and many more.

 The gallery has been opened to the public since January this year and has since held many well presented exhibition such as, Eve Arnold, Terry O’Neill, Bruce Davidson and Steve McCurry. However, this is by far their most ambitious exhibition to date. From exquisite 19th century portraiture by Julia Margaret Cameron, to contemporary camera-less photography by Paul Kenny, via Robert Capa, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon and many more, the show is a stimulating survey of over 150 years of photography.The exhibition contains works by the following photographers: Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, James Anderson, Thomas Annan, Richard Avedon, Cecil Beaton, Edouard Boubat, Samuel Bourne, Adolphe Braun, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, John Bulmer, Julia Margaret Cameron, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Lucien Clergue, Bruce Davidson, Dixon & Bool, Robert Doisneau, Terence Donovan, Louis-Emile Durandelle, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Walker Evans, Louis Faurer, Horst P Horst, Yousuf Karsh, Paul Kenny, André Kertész, Kusakabe Kimbei, William Klein, Robert Macpherson, Don McCullin, Steve McCurry, Inge Morath, Terry O’Neill, Ruth Orkin, Norman Parkinson, Martin Parr, Irving Penn, Sarah Quill, Man Ray, Sebastião Salgado, Jürgen Schadeberg, Snowdon, Giorgio Sommer, Edward Steichen, Eric Swayne, Paulette Tavormina, Weegee, Henry Wolf. (Press Release)

This is an exhibition you don’t want to miss, bringing together a wide range of some of the most famous names in photography. Below are some of the examples of work that will be displayed.

