How to make your own Cardboard ‘Hassy’

A cardboard, fully functioning working Hasselblad? Yes it works and you can learn how to make it through some easier steps by either downloading Kelly Angood’s (the creator of cardboard Hasselblad) PDF or simply by watching the video below.

This beautifully crafted and well thought out camera acts as a sophisticated pinhole, which takes 35mm film rather than the usual 120 film for a Hasselblad. Even though Angood has produced another Hasselblad that can take 120 film (shown below with an example), she has not released a video or PDF instructions on how to construct it, yet on her website there is a clip displaying an A4 two-colour book explaining and documenting the making process of the camera. To download Kelly Angood’s PDF so you can build your very own ‘Hasselblad’ please click Here or to see more of Angood’s work please click Here.

